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Payment and prices

Ollinmäki's Gym pricing and payments

  • One time payment / 4 €
  • 1 month / 15 €
  • 2 months / 28 €
  • 3 months / 40 €
  • 4 months / 50 €
  • 5 months / 60 €
  • 6 months / 70 €

Unemployed, students and pensioners at half price. Youth (under 16-years) for free. (The right to the discount must be proven at the time of purchase, e.g. with a student card.) See also Senior Pass. 

A season pass is personal and signed, it's expiring date is counted from the day you have informed to the Info Desk (open Mon-Fri at 9-11 and 12-15). The gym user redeems the door code from the town hall info by email or on site. At the same time fill/return the commitment form. The validity period of the door code is updated at the information desk at the town hall. 

Info e-mail: %20info [at] (info[at]pyhajoki[dot]fi) or tel. 040 359 6000

Also tokens are still in use. If you want to replace the token by a door code, return the token to the town hall info. The deposit fee (10€) 20€ will be refunded. 

Payment Instructions

Option 1. In online bank service:

   1) Fill in:

             Receiver: The municipality of Pyhäjoki
             To account: FI05 5381 1720 0034 13 OKOYFIHH                                                                                               Reference no.: 2020 73110

   2) Pay the desired activity time according to the pricing table
       (+ token deposit at first time)

Option 2. Pay by Smartum application, in which the target is ”Kulttuuri- ja vapaa-aikatoimi, Pyhäjoki”

Send a message to info [at] (info[at]pyhajoki[dot]fi) or call Tel. +358 40 359 6000

  • Announce the date, when you want the token to come into effect.
  • the amount of months that you paid for
  • your name and phone number
  • Attach a payment receipt.

Option 3. Pay at Municipality hall's Information desk by bankcard, credit card, in cash, by Smartum's paper version, ePassi or Edenred. Municipality hall's address is Kuntatie 1.

Option 4. ePassi - the receiver of the payment is Pyhäjoen Monitoimitalo.

Option 5. Edenred - the receiver of the payment is Pyhäjoki Vapaa-aikatoimi


Prepare for a few days of processing time. 
Renewing can be done in advance. The renewed use time will step into effect once the old one has expired (or later, if you want). Renewing can be done by sending a receipt of a payment to info [at] or by visiting the Information desk and paying there.

Ice Swimming Fee

The key to the locker room at the ice swimming spot can be obtained from the town hall's Info Desk. You can pay the annual fee of € 20 for the key in several ways:

- At Info Desk in cash or by card when applying for a key, or 

- To the municipality of Pyhäjoki's account FI05 5381 1720 0034 13, message: Avantouinti (Ice Swimming Fee) or

- With a bill (usually in January); You provide billing information when you retrieve the key.

Yppäri School's Gym

Yppäri School's Gym pass badges are available from ICT-Specialist, juho.lankila [at] (juho[dot]lankila[at]pyhajoki[dot]fi) or tel. 040 359 6005. After getting the Yppäri's badge you may reserve in Julius -Reservation Calendar.

Sports Hall

To reserve a block at the Sports Hall, sign in to the online reservation system Julius.
Checking free times and booking shifts is easy through Julius-Reservation Calendar. The person who has booked the block shift will receive the door code by text message before the booked shift. During holidays, we do not activate codes, so be proactive when booking a shift well in advance. With the activated token, you can enter through the main doors of the Sports Hall. 

  • Sport hall's block (1, 2 or 3) 6 €/hour/block
  • all 3 blocks 15 € / hour
  • artistic gymnastics room 6 €/h
  • permanent group shifts for under 16-year-olds at half price (3 €/block).
  • the whole Sport hall (includes all facilities) 20 €/h or 200 €/day

Uncancelled shifts will be invoiced. Please do not pay your shifts in advance, but wait for the invoice. We invoice customers for shifts in December, June and August. If you want to pay for the shift with smartum, for example, remember to mention this in the special requests section when booking. Smartum payment to the town hall or with the app to "Culture and leisure activities, Pyhäjoki".

The priority to shifts is given to associations organising physical activity for children and young people over private use, as well as to the residents of Pyhäjoki.

Be prepared for a processing time of a few days.

Internal rent is charged for events organised by the municipality's own bodies. in accordance with the price list. Within the limits of their budget, the institutions may exempt the operator from user charges. In this case, the user fee will be charged. from the administration as internal rent.     


Additional information tea.lumijarvi [at] (tea[dot]lumijarvi[at]pyhajoki[dot]fi), p. 040 359 6107 

(On vacation: Vilja-Maaria Louhimaa)